What am I trying to accomplish?

I have started to ask myself this question before starting any task, programming or otherwise. Asking myself what I am trying to accomplish with this task helps me clearly identify the end goal/definition of done and figure out if this task is actually necessary to reach my end goal. For example, if my end goal is to write some code that will calculate how to split the bill between x number of people and the task I’m about to start is to write a method that will calculate the distance between point a and point b, I can safely say that the task is irrelevant and unnecessary and move onto other tasks that are better aligned with my end goal. However, if the end goal is to create an app that shows you where all your friends are in relation to you, then the task of writing a method that will calculate the distance between point a and point b is highly relevant.

Clearly identifying and stating my end goal makes identifying the necessary steps to accomplish that goal easier.

This past week, I’ve really learned that concept and begun to implement it much more efficiently and regularly. A couple other key learnings from this past week are:
– focus on one key point at a time
– and provide/look for examples

Focusing on one key point at a time makes whatever you’re working on come out more clearly. For example, better, more readable code or a more succinct and readable blog post. Focusing on just one thing helps you ensure that you are getting that thing done. My key point for this paragraph is the importance and usefulness of focusing on one key point at a time. A key point for a mobile development project could be logging a user in. Focus on one thing at a time and make sure that you have fully accomplished that thing before moving on to the next.

Hint: Taking notes and drawing diagrams can help with breaking down complex tasks into simpler key tasks that you can then tackle one at a time in the necessary order.

Examples. Examples are awesome. I am learning this more and more as I look for examples of how to do different things and have trouble finding examples that match what I’m looking for. Examples give us a better understanding of the concept we are trying to grasp. Some examples: a code snippet showing how to create a MySQL database in Python, a template for writing a good LinkedIn post accompanied by a LinkedIn post that follows the template, a video talking about dancing and then showing clips of different styles of dance. Examples are amazing. If you are trying to convey something, I highly recommend using examples. If you are trying to learn something, the more examples we can find, the easier it is to grasp the concept. (For me at least.)

What are some things you are trying to accomplish? What have you learned so far on your journey towards those accomplishments?


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