Clarity is like the magic spell that makes things run smoothly.

Clarity is an often-underestimated superpower. When we have clarity on what we are trying to solve, what needs to be done, what we are trying to say, we are able to turn that understanding into action with ease.

One of them main reasons we defer starting (action) is due to complexity. Even if something is not actually that complex, if we don’t have clarity, it is easy to build the task up in our mind until starting alone seems monumental. When something is ambiguous or complex, we can feel overwhelmed and are far more likely to have stronger mental resistance to beginning that thing. If the task continues to be ambiguous or complex, our mental resistance maintains its strength.

The solution is clarity! When we sit down and hammer out the details, ask questions, and break the task down into more digestible pieces, the result is a handful of clear, easily understood tasks. We have gained clarity on what we are trying to accomplish. This process also gives us clarity on how to accomplish it. If you have clearly stated tasks and you understand what needs to be done, you can easily figure out how to do it. The knowledge will either be apparent to you or the questions you need to ask to determine the exact steps will be apparent to you. This is the power of clarity.

How do we get better at achieving clarity? Clarity comes from understanding. How do we get better at understanding? Communication. We need to ask questions if something seems confusing or ambiguous. We need to ask questions if something seems excessively complex or if we don’t understand the reasoning behind something. Then, we need to confirm our understanding and ensure that what we understand the task to be is what we’re trying to accomplish. Now that we know the what and why of the task, we can break it down to identify the how. The easiest way to do this is to write down the problem then break it down into smaller pieces.

Keep the final draft of your written breakdown clear and concise. Clarity in writing will translate to clarity in other areas. If your written breakdown of the task is not clear, you can get confused during the implementation even though you had achieved clarity previously.

Clarity is an amazing tool/superpower. What are some of your tips to achieving clarity?


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