Hello. I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and an amazing New Year’s. I ended 2020 with a fun game of monopoly with my sister and her friend and started the New Year with a delicious meal of perfectly cooked pork and steak, and yummy poke, and a couple of Jason Statham movies. He is a very good-looking man. I also started dedicating time each day to reading my book on Essentialism. Lastly, I’ve begun journaling with the goal of knowing myself even better than I already do and clarifying my thoughts.

In the spirit of sending off 2020 and greeting 2021, here are some things I plan on doing much more regularly this year:

If I were to sum up 2020 in a word, it would be “different”. My world underwent several drastic changes, mainly revolving around the state shutdown, but there were some good changes in there as well. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Mobile Development, started learning Kotlin and SwiftUI, met some truly interesting people, and gained a deeper level of appreciation for everything I have, everything I am, and everyone around me. What are some of your key takeaways from 2020?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a wonderful week and Happy New Year!


Mulan Lau


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