Hello! I hope your 2024 has been off to a great start and you’ve had a wonderful January!

January was a pretty busy month for me. I visited DC for the first time for a zouk festival, setup a new monthly routine of cooking and monopoly with my sister and my dad, started diving further into metrics and tracking stuff at work, paid off all my student loans, and tried several different local restaurants for the first time.

A few highlights from January are:

  • Exploring DC: seeing the monuments, visiting a LinkedIn office for the first time, experiencing snow for the first time, delicious sushi and ramen at Kusshi
  • Amazing dances at Interfusion Festival
  • Learning a LOT of completely new things at work
  • Dinners with friends I don’t see as often

I’ve also learned a lot over the past month including:

  • Schedule an earlier (than evening) flight. It is worth waking up earlier to make sure you get home the day you planned
  • Affinity Photo creates bitmap images/drawings while Affinity Designer creates vector images/drawings
  • If you need to fix a small misspelling of your name on your Fidelity account, you can use their “one and the same letter” form
  • My Honey Bee is probably part boxer which explains her love of using her paws to play

Moving forward, I’m working on being more consistent at a lot of things like sleeping earlier, ordering in food less, reading, writing, and drawing more, and ensuring I do something at least slightly resembling exercise every day.

Another thing I’m working on this year is expressing my gratitude more often so to close, I am grateful for my family, my Honey Bee, my friends, my work, my coworkers, my house, good food, sleep, music, stories, and everyone in my life, you all contribute to how amazing each day is. Thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a wonderful day!

P.S If you live in central Florida and have a dog, I cannot recommend Pawsitive Smiles (a no sedation dog dentist) enough. Crystal is amazing and I love the natural approach that is much safer than using anesthetic.


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