Just Start

Want to know the secret to creating amazing apps, writing great articles, or even owning a business? Just start. That’s it. We have so many amazing ideas every single day, the number of ideas that turn into reality is a tiny percentage of all the ideas we have. One of Read more…


Do you feel stuck, stagnant, or lost? All you need is a little momentum. Momentum is the engine that drives creativity, inspiration, and productivity. How can we gain momentum if we currently feel stuck? Easy! We start with a small, simple, easy to do action. Once we’ve done that, we Read more…


Where is your focus? If your answer is more than one thing, you may not actually be focusing at all! The definition of focus as a noun is “a point of concentration”. A point. Not two points, not three or four or five, a singular point of concentration. As our Read more…

February 2024

Hi! I hope you’ve had a wonderful February! What were some of your favorite moments in February? February was a pretty great month for me. I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job at being more intentional with my time and energy. Some of my highlights in February were: Read more…

Off to a great start

Hello! I hope your 2024 has been off to a great start and you’ve had a wonderful January!

January was a pretty busy month for me. I visited DC for the first time for a zouk festival, setup a new monthly routine of cooking and monopoly with my sister and my dad, started diving further into metrics and tracking stuff at work, paid off all my student loans, and tried several different local restaurants for the first time.