Imagine you’re driving down the road and you see this huge, scraggly tree that kind of looks like a hand beckoning you. It’s a really weird tree and you’re staring at it when you suddenly feel a bump bump bump. You’ve just run over the uneven ground on the side of the road and you realize you’ve veered off the road and started driving towards the weird tree.

Our brain works the same way if we’re driving, coding, or trying to work on anything else. What we focus on, we will move towards.

If we focus on all the reasons why we can’t do something, we will keep moving towards those reasons and away from the thing we originally wanted to do. However, if we focus on our goal, if we focus on all the reasons we can do something or all the ways we can make something work, we will end up achieving that goal.

If our goal is driving to a friend’s house for dinner but we keep focusing on the weird tree on the side of the road, we will end up running into the tree, or at least off the road. If our goal is to write a book but we keep focusing on all the reasons why we can’t sit down and write, the book will never be written. If our goal is to get a job at Google but we focus on all the reasons why we aren’t qualified to work at Google, we’ll never work at Google.

BUT if we focus on the road and the path to our friend’s house, we’ll get there for dinner. If we focus on finding time to write consistently, we will write that book. If we focus on all the ways we can become qualified to work at Google, we will eventually get a job at Google.

What we focus on determines where we go. Focus on problems, you’ll find more problems. Focus on solutions, you’ll find more solutions.

What will you focus on?


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