Want to know the secret to improving your productivity?

Create an environment where you can actually be productive.

A lot of our time is spent figuring out what needs to be done and distractions and context switching while we’re figuring this out makes everything take longer. Once we’ve figured out what needs to be done and identified the specific action steps we need to take to implement this, the implementation itself is usually fairly straightforward. The trick to being more productive is to make the figuring out process faster and more efficient.

While you may need to reference some resources, a lot of the figuring out process is done internally as we brainstorm how to solve/fix/create thing A. We can speed up this internal process by creating a productivity friendly environment.

How to create an environment for productivity

  • Turn off alerts/notifications
  • Write down any to dos for later – writing them down takes them off your mind and ensures you won’t forget later
  • Block out at least 30 mins of time for full concentration
  • If possible, create a no tech zone – leave your phone, computers, smart watches, etc. in a different room and on do not disturb/silent mode

Why this works

We’re constantly surrounded by noise. Technology has created a lot of opportunities, but one of those less beneficial opportunities is that we now are accessible at any time at the press of a button or ping of an alert. Each distraction forces our brain to stop what it’s doing and context shift to something else. Then, our brain needs to context shift back to the matter at hand.

Context shifting takes time and energy. Reducing the amount of noise around us, the number of distractions, and the opportunities to context shift, helps us get into a deeper state of focus and our brains can work more effectively. It’s a lot harder and takes a lot more time to do 10 things at once vs 1 thing at a time.

Set yourself and your brain up for success. Create a distraction free environment and some focus time to figure out the steps you need to take to implement project/problem/solution A. Then, you can implement with ease and clarity.

What is your favorite productivity tip?


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