Ever share what you thought was a brilliant idea, but it went nowhere? I recently learned something that changed how I think about success. The conditions around your message matter more than the message itself.

Think of it like trying to grow a plant. The strongest seed won’t grow in bad soil. A healthy plant that needs sun will die if it’s put in a dark sunless room. But even an average seed can grow and thrive in the right conditions.

This can happen in any industry and team. You discover an awesome new tool or project idea that could make everything better. You explain it perfectly. Show all the benefits. But your team/company doesn’t jump on board.

Why? Usually, it’s not your idea. It’s the environment:

  • Is the team stressed with deadlines?
  • Does the current setup support this change?
  • Is there too much going on already?

The same thing happens in marketing. A campaign that works great for one company flops for another. A message that resonates with one audience falls flat with another.

So, what should you do?

Before pushing your next big idea, check the conditions first:

  • Is your audience ready to hear it?
  • What might get in the way?
  • What needs to be set up first?

Sometimes making your idea work isn’t about explaining it better, it’s about preparing the ground first. This could mean:

  • Building trust
  • Reducing stress
  • Setting up basic support
  • Making space for change

Next time you want to make something happen, with your team, your audience, or even yourself, look at the conditions first. The best message won’t work in the wrong environment.

What conditions do you need to set up for your next big idea?


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