It’s important to decide what you do want. This is your goal and what you work towards. But it’s also important to decide what you don’t want. This helps you deter the things you don’t want from hopping along for the ride. The combination of what you do want and what you don’t want help you make decisions and guide your actions, helping you reach your goal as seamlessly as possible.

Imagine that what we do want, our goal, is a shining city in the distance. For example, the bright green, emerald city in the wizard of oz. We can see it in the distance, but we still have quite a way to get there.

Now, imagine the space between where we are now and the shining emerald city in the distance is full of forests and fields and deserts and brambles and mean monkeys. We can walk through any of those things in the direction of the emerald city to get there. But we would rather avoid the deserts and brambles and spooky forests and mean monkeys. Those are the thing we don’t want.

Armed with the knowledge of our goal, reaching the emerald city, and what we don’t want, to travel through deserts, brambles, spooky forests, and near mean monkeys, we can set a path that goes in the direction of our goal while avoiding the things we don’t want. This path is our yellow sidewalk.

We could just walk in the direction of the emerald city without taking the time to set our path, but we would likely encounter a lot of things we’d rather avoid, and it would probably take us a lot longer. Putting in a little time up front to align on our goal and what we don’t want helps us create a clear path that provides us with the smoothest journey to our goal.

What is your goal? What do you not want to do, have, or experience on your journey towards your goal?


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