Do you ever feel disconnected, stuck, or out of sync? This can happen when you start to lose track of where you’re trying to go.

Maybe you’re experiencing that now. You set some goals or new years resolutions and the year has just started but you already feel behind, disconnected, and stuck. That’s ok. It’s normal to feel this way. All it means is that you need to realign with yourself.

Stop. Breathe. Realign. And break it down.

Stop, give yourself some grace. You’re trying something new, pushing yourself to go farther, or stepping out of your comfort zone. You’re going to feel uncomfortable, and you’ll probably feel behind at times. That’s ok. As long as you’re making progress, even teensy tiny little baby steps progress, you’re doing great.

Breathe. Take a deep breath. Then another. And another. It may sound crazy but breathing is pretty important. Taking steady deep breaths helps you calm down. You aren’t going to be very effective or think very clearly if you’re stressing yourself out or full of nervous energy. Take deep breaths and let yourself calm down and be present.

Realign. Your feelings of disconnection or stagnation are coming from a lack of alignment between where you want to be and what you are currently doing. Maybe the goals or resolutions you set at the start of the year are no longer an accurate reflection of where you want to go. Or maybe your actions so far haven’t been moving you towards your goals. Or maybe it’s both. It’s ok to change your mind. Reassess what you want to accomplish, where you want to be at the end of the year or even in 6 months.

Break it down. Now that you have a clear picture of your goal, make a list of what actions you need to take to get there. The clearer your picture the easier it will be to determine your steps to get there. Keep your goal at the top of your mind. This helps you align each decision you make with your goal. The more aligned your decisions/actions are with your goal, the more motivated you will feel, the more momentum you will gain, and the more progress you will start to see.

The next time you start feeling disconnected or stuck, stop, breathe, realign, and break it down. You’ll be amazed how quickly you get back on track.


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