Hello. I hope you’ve had a great week. Summer has come to an end, but it’s getting the weather is hotter than ever for some reason! Between melting from the heat and sleeping, I’ve started the last class in my degree, created a site plan and single line diagram for a solar installation application, and enjoyed this past Sunday’s amazing NXT Takeover. I’m both excited and a bit nervous about graduation at the end of the month. This last class is all about the business side of mobile development and I’m loving it so far. There’s a ton of reading and research, but I’m learning so much!

Some of the things I’ve learned this week are:

  • You can estimate the number of users an app has by multiplying the number of users who’ve left feedback by 20 & 50 which provides the lower and upper bounds of the estimate (this is because usually, 2-5% of users will leave feedback)
  • USP = unique selling proposition and is what makes your product different from your competition
  • Marketing is a huge factor in whether an app is successful or not
  • Typically, 89% of a community do not participate/contribute significantly and 1% create content and drive the community

Also, don’t forget, we are now in October which means Inktober, preparations for NaNoWriMo, and of course HALLOWEEN!! What are you dressing up as this year?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a great week!


Mulan Lau

P.S. Check out my short story “The Note” for a quick slice of October reading.


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